Francesco Cera

clavicembalista e organista

Francesco Cera

Harpsichordist & Organist



Cera’s interpretations of the music of Girolamo Frescobaldi, have won over the hearts of critics and the public alike. Further recordings and performances include works by Domenico Scarlatti, Jean-Henri D’Anglebert, and, recently, the complete Bach Well-Tempered Clavier.


Francesco Cera has introduced the public to a wide range of renaissance and baroque Italian organ repertoire through his live performances, recordings on historical Italian organs, and masterclasses throughout both Europe and the United States.



The Ensemble Arte Musica, founded and directed by Francesco Cera, is composed of vocal soloists of the highest caliber. Since 1996, the ensemble has put forth interpretations of works in the recitar cantando style by Monteverdi, D’India, Belli and Rasi, as well as madrigals by Luzzaschi and sacred works by Gesualdo.


Bach’s Preludes and fugues were rarely heard more adequate, fuller, richer, more lyrical, more turbulent and more laborious than on these four CDs.

Paul Janssen – Luister February 2024

I found Cera’s artistry both engaging and persuasive. Articulation is superb and the readings reveal an artist skilful in the delineation of voice parts.

Stephen Greenbank – Musicweb International October 19, 2023

Clavier bien tempéré de Bach plein d’éloquence avec Francesco Cera au clavecin. La version de Franceso Cera au clavecin se distingue par une approche très informée, tant par la technique propre au clavier baroque que par son art du discours.

Frédéric Munoz – March 7, 2024

Engaging, interesting and Thoughtful, Francesco Cera’s performance of The Well-Tempered Clavier. He gives voice to the voices and instead of just a dry plain reading we hear an enlivened elocution. It is as if he recited the music for us.

Endre Enaru – November 2023


I found Cera’s artistry both engaging and persuasive ... there’s a phenomenal display of musical imagination. Articulation is superb and the readings reveal an artist skilful in the delineation of voice parts.

Stephen Greenbank - Musicweb International October 19, 2023

Ces perles sonores exaltent les monodies auxquelles le ténor Riccardo Pisani apporte une intensité très convaincante. [...] la sensualité du mot, cet aigu diversement coloré sont au service d'une poésie plus intime, tout aussi séduisante. Harpe, viole, lirone et théorbe inventent un propos frémissant.
[Francesco Rasi: La Cetra di sette corde. Ensemble Arte Musica, Francesco Cera]

Philippe Ramin - Classica, December 2021

Francesco Cera is one of Italy’s most prominent keyboard players. His playing is superb. He has a good feeling for the refinement and elegance of d’Anglebert’s music.

Music Web International, April 2016 Recording of the month

Cera s’attache aux tourments intérieurs…il privilège la profondeur, avec un art achevé de la construction.

Vincent Genvrin – Diapason, February 2020 5 Diapasons

Bis in die virtuosesten Tastenwendungen hinein spielt Cera das Gesangliche, Atmende, auch das Rezitatorische heraus.

Friedrich Sprondel - Fono Forum, February 2020

Cera has selected an array of exquisite instruments, made up of organs and harpsichords…This is a lavish production by any standards.

Music Web International – December 2020  Recommended

Francesco Cera shows why he continues to be regarded as one of the leading exponents of early Italian keyboard music. His understanding of how to apply the rethorical affetti shine through his playing.

John Collins - The Diapason, August 2015

Le claveciniste italien Francesco Cera évoque la dimension spirituelle des Suites françaises.

Alain Derouane - Crescendo, February 2009

Francesco Cera nous offre une vision expressive et jubilatoire de ce répertoire. Cera maitrise son sujet jusqu’a lui donner une aisance et un naturel remarcable.

Denis Wolff - Répertoire, February 2001

Cera’s crisply-articulated playing bringing out the dance-base of much of this music.

Noel O'Regan - Early Music Review, October 2004

Francesco Cera exploite avec le plus grand naturel toutes les ressources de la liberté agogique. Comme un vrai Italien, il parle avec les mains.

Nicholas Ferrand - Musique d’orgue, April 1998

Featured recordings

+ Info



Complete recording of the two books


FRANCESCO CERA harpsichord (Daniele M.Giani 2019, after Henri Hemsch 1736)


Dynamic (4 CD)



Prelude and Fugue n. 5 in D major BWV 874 - Francesco Cera harpsichord (Daniele Giani after H.Hemsch 1736)

+ Info



Riccardo Pisani tenor

Ensemble Arte Musica

Chiara Granata harp, Giovanni Bellini theorbo & guitar, Silvia de Maria viola da gamba & lirone

FRANCESCO CERA harpsichord & conductor




Occhi sempre sereni - Riccardo Pisani tenor - Ensemble Arte Musica - Francesco Cera harpsichord and musical direction

+ Info




FRANCESCO CERA harpsichords & historical organs

ENSEMBLE ARTE MUSICA, Riccardo Pisani tenor


ARCANA (7-CD box)



+ Info




FRANCESCO CERA harpsichord (Roberto Livi 2006, after Vincent Tibaut 1691)




Chaconne Rondeau - Francesco Cera harpsichord (R.Livi 2006 after Vincent Tibaut 1691)

Next concerts

June 22nd


Chiesa dei Santi Vitale e Agricola

Elicia Silverstein violin
Francesco Cera harpsichord

works by Corelli, Pasquini, Biber, J.S.Bach

June 25th

(La Spezia)

Chiesa di San Francesco

Francesco Cera organ by Pietro Agati 1841
Il Barocco tra Spagna e Francia

works by Correa de Arauxo, Bruna, Cabanilles, L. and F. Couperin, Marchand

September 5th


Abbazia di Monte Oliveto

Elicia Silverstein violin
Francesco Cera organ

Le Sonate del Rosario di Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
I Misteri gloriosi

September 9th-12th


Basiliche di San Petronio e di San Martino, chiesa di San Procolo

Masterclass on the Renaissance organs in Bologna with Francesco Cera: “Frescobaldi e il Barocco a Roma”

Lectures by Nicola Badolato, Edoardo Bellotti, Francesco Cera, Catalina Vicens

September 29th


Chiesa di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria

Francesco Cera organ by anonymous 1558

Works by C.Merulo, A. e G.Gabrieli, G.Frescobaldi